Can you afford to roll the dice?

I was updating the copyright info 2011 - 2021 on this website last weekend when I was reminded that no image on my site is older than ten years old ?

During the last ten years I have created three long term projects and explored a few other visual ideas.

The surprise for me is that I have only recently got around to making serious personal work , which is a bit sad, as my motivation to follow a photographic career path involved aspirations to shoot the sort of stuff I am finally able to shoot now , as a commercial photographer I had neither the budget , time or desire to make long form personal work , I was busy trying to make a living !

I would make studio test shots to expand my skill set & portfolio but these experimental pictures were created with long term commercial intentions , life always got between me and any serious personal photographic aspirations !

In the very early days despite having the time, I lacked the confidence and the money to shoot and process large amounts of film for serious personal projects , I always saw the early work as “Learning” , I’m not sure I had anything to say photographically at this time , my top priority was to make work that would keep the wolf away , besides , my everyday was already being well photographed by some of the best !

I never really understood how speculative documentary photography could be commercially viable , I’m still less than convinced that it is in the short term !

Personal work requires time and money , one without the other will inhibit effectiveness and the ultimate outcome , photo projects built on solid financial foundations will almost always trump talent , creativity and persistence but not always thankfully !

The digital revolution has helped working class photographers to work with fewer financial pressures at the planning, capture and online sharing stage but production costs still remain prohibitive for many without clients , sponsorship or alternative incomes !

Turning photos into meaningful amounts of cash still remains challenging for most ! .

The price of real creative photographic freedom is high , many togs rely on regular employment to get through , this is not a golden era for independent serious photographers seeking financial security , perversely a abundance of great socially relevant stories keep coming during these turbulent times.

Is it reasonable to expect personal work to be commercially viable or even cost neutral ?

A portrait from my Testing Times project , 2020

The dilemma is that you can not sell a project that does not exist , conversely , shooting nothing will result in selling nothing ?

Sometimes the pictures just have to be made and the story told , the commercial considerations, sacrifices and costs overlooked , deferred or absorbed ?

This approach to personal photography is not sustainable for most , British Art / Doc Photography has never been a meritocracy, as education , financial security, class and nepotism have almost always filtered out those with precarious financial lifestyles. I’m not sure that “The System” is deliberately skewed against anyone but it appears to subconsciously promote the maintenance and adoption of a middle class gaze as “The Representative Look” of “The Best” of British photography ?

Same old, same old , same as it ever was …

This might be obvious but serious photographers only make money when they make serious pictures and even then the “Kerching” moment might take time, in fact it might never happen at all ?

The Photographic representation of Britain can only ever be representative when British Photographic creators and curators reflect a demographic that is as diverse as the society featured in the photographs , class tourism should be behind us in 2021 ! .

I understand the principle of money being the worst reason to make a picture but I and many like me can’t afford to have too many high and mighty principles !

I like to eat , drink and be warm ,

Can you afford to roll the dice of self financed documentary photography and lose ?

Stay safe !

Self Financed Projects .2011 - 2021 .

2011 - 2016 Another Day Off a study of English leisure time . More than 200 works

2016 - 2020 The State Of Britain a study of Britain during the Brexit era . More than 200 works

2020 -2021 Testing Times a reflection of my life during the pandemic. More than 150 works -ongoing

The Closed Doors project , Tomorrow Was Created Yesterday , The Blue Frames Project and Whoooosh were all created in the last decade too ..
